Biodynamic Massage in Aurora, Oregon
Biodynamic Massage– What is it? Let’s find out how it can help you. Hello! My name is Heather Alison Cook, owner of Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork located in downtown Aurora, Oregon. I have been a licensed massage therapist for 13 years. My office is located amongst all of the ...
How Tapping Transforms Anxiety and Stress in your Body
Hey there once again from Aurora, Oregon! My name is Heather Alison Cook, owner of Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork, where I do licensed massage therapy and bodywork and have been in practice for over 13 years. I love to help people find relaxation in their bodies and get rid ...
Body Mind Messages & Healing
Hello and welcome to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork Blog! My name is Heather and I have been a bodyworker for 13 years now. My office is in downtown Aurora, Oregon, not too far from Woodburn. I specialize in the therapeutic benefits of bodywork and massage. I primarily do Myofascial ...
Back Injury and Bipedalism
Hi there! Welcome back! I’m writing to you from my porch in Aurora, Oregon... on a sunny and warm morning! I just love waking up and having the sun shine its rays as I do my morning stretching routine, especially after the darkness of winter retreats …I’m Heather Alison Cook, ...
Pain and The Curable App
Hello and Happy Spring! This is the Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork Blog ...where I discuss topics relevant to mind-body wellness and tips for helping the body heal. My name is Heather Alison Cook and I am a therapeutic bodywork practitioner/massage therapist specializing in craniosacral therapy, polarity therapy, cupping, myofascial/structural ...
Spring Rejuvenation with a Detoxifying Massage!
Hi welcome to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork Blog! My name is Heather and... I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist and Bodyworker for over 12 years. My office is located in the historical district of downtown Aurora, Oregon. Sharing some of what I have learned over the years through ...
Scar Tissue, Massage and Cupping
Welcome to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork blog where I share little tidbits about how bodywork can help you. My name is Heather Alison Cook and I specialize in Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Bodywork, Massage, and Cupping therapies. I have studied biomechanics under Katy Bowman and am a certified yoga instructor ...
Using Breath in Therapeutic Bodywork
Hello! My name is Heather Alison Cook and I own Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork LLC located in downtown historic Aurora, Oregon. I specialize in Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial/Structural bodywork, Craniosacral Therapy, Cupping, and Hot Stone massage. My office is inside the Happy and Healthy Life Clinic owned by Dr. Robin ...
Therapeutic Touch: Healthy for our Physical and Mental Health
Hi there! My name is Heather Alison Cook and I own Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork. I’ve been practicing licensed massage therapy for over 11 years now. I’m located in downtown Aurora, just a hop and a skip from to Hubbard, Oregon. I really enjoy helping people to feel better ...
How Often Should I get a Massage?
How Often Is Massage Therapy Recommended? Hello! My name is Heather Alison Cook and I own Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork in Aurora, Oregon, not far from the surrounding towns of Wilsonville, Canby, and Woodburn. I have been a Licensed Massage Therapist for over 11 years and aim to help ...
Massage Therapy for Motor Vehicle Accidents near Canby and Wilsonville, Oregon
Hello! My name is Heather Alison Cook and I own Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork LLC located in downtown historic Aurora, Oregon. I specialize in Therapeutic Massage, Myofascial/Structural bodywork, Craniosacral Therapy, Cupping, and Hot Stone massage. I have an integrated practice and tailor the treatment for each person. I help ...
Shoes! …Continued…
Hello again from Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork! I am Heather Alison Cook, Licensed Massage Therapist and owner of Yarrow and You. I have been a bodyworker for over ten years and have been building my practice here in Aurora, Oregon, just outside of Canby, Oregon for a little over ...
Shoes! How can they affect my body?
Hello from Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork! My name is Heather Alison Cook, Licensed Massage Therapist and I specialize in Massage, Myofascial work, Cupping, Hot Stones, and Craniosacral Therapy. My office is located in downtown Aurora, Oregon. It's been a while since posting a new blog! And although I’ve seen ...
Craniosacral Therapy in Aurora, Oregon
Hi there and welcome! I am Heather Alison Cook and have been practicing licensed massage therapy and bodywork for 10 years. I specialize in Craniosacral Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Cupping, Hot Stone Therapy, and Mysofascial/Structural Bodywork. My office is located in downtown Aurora, Oregon. In this blog post, I’ll introduce you ...
Hot Stone Massage Near Canby, Oregon
Hi! My name is Heather and I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, here in Aurora, Oregon, and have been practicing massage for 10 years now and I specialize in Therapeutic Massage, Hot Stone Therapy, Cupping Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial/Structural Bodywork. Read on if you think you are interested in ...
Cupping Therapy in Aurora, Oregon
What to expect with Cupping Therapy Hello and welcome back to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork blog! My name is Heather and I’ve been practicing bodywork since 2012 and this blog is to help my clients and potential future clients, understand the benefits of different types of bodywork and how ...
Therapeutic Massage near Wilsonville, Oregon
Welcome to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork Welcome to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork blog! My name is Heather Alison Cook, Licensed Massage Therapist and I specialize in Therapeutic Massage, Cupping Therapy, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Hot Stone Therapy, and Myofascial/Structural Bodywork. My office is located just 15 minutes south of ...
Cupping Near Wilsonville, Oregon
So you’ve heard of “Cupping”...What is it? What are the benefits of therapeutic cupping? And why should I consider or request therapeutic cupping for my body? Welcome to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork Hello and Welcome to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork blog! My name is Heather and I’ve been ...