Pink yarrow

What is Yarrow and You?

Healing is a journey and having helpers along the way makes the path easier to navigate….

~image used with permission from The Spirit of Herbs, Herbal Tarot by Micheal Tierra & Candis Cantin (

Healing is a journey… 

I believe the true healer is in You.
Some say the healing journey is life-long. At times our bodies are strong and we have endurance and yet others days we have injury or illness. Some of us have chronic patterns or pain that challenge us. Sometimes we need self-care or to just relax! Getting regular bodywork can be immensely helpful in each and all of these scenarios.

I starting my formal training in the healing arts by studying massage therapy and colon hydrotherapy at the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics in 2012. Before that time I had not had much bodywork at all throughout my life although I was nearing my 36th trip around the Sun and dealing with some health issues. Since then, I have been introduced to and have studied many different healing modalities and types of bodywork. I have experienced many subtle and profound shifts in my own body and have witnessed similar shifts in my clients. Like layers of an onion, getting regular bodywork can help us work through things we may be unconsciously storing in our bodies. I also learned to get more “in tune” with my own body and how to listen to it, how to dialogue with it and even ask it questions like, “what do you need in this moment?”  I am so grateful to my many amazing mentors and healing arts practitioners that have helped me along my healing path. 

The Yarrow plant is called the wounded healer herb.
It heals cuts and wounds and souls. It is amphoteric, meaning it moves in the direction the body needs; it can staunch bleeding or stimulate blood-flow. My intention is to be like yarrow and help your body reconnect with the healer inside of you so you can come back into balance. Where you are on the healing path is Divine and we go from there… 

I am dedicated and honored to hold space for the innate healing that is ready to take place within your body. We know we need regular maintenance on our cars and well, our bodies are vehicles too!

When I am not doing bodywork you can probably find me at my farm digging in the dirt where I grow food crops, medicinal herbs and PNW native plants.

Its time for You time

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Heather Alison Cook, LMT #20464