Hot Stone Massage Near Canby, Oregon

Yarrow and You

Hot Stone Massage Near Canby, Oregon

Hi! My name is Heather and I am a Licensed Massage Therapist, here in Aurora, Oregon, and have been practicing massage for 10 years now and I specialize in Therapeutic Massage, Hot Stone Therapy, Cupping Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial/Structural Bodywork. Read on if you think you are interested in learning more about Hot Stone Therapy and its benefits…

Why Are My Muscles Tight in the First Place?

Muscle tension happens for a number of reasons. One of the most common reasons is dehydration. When the body does not have sufficient hydration to supply the muscles with water, that also carries nutrients, the tissues shrink. This shrinking means the muscle is in a weakened state. When we move our body parts in this weakened state we are asking it to do something beyond its capability and tightness and often injury occurs. Water sounds so fundamental and boring but it really is vital in order for the muscles to stay healthy so movement can occur optimally. So drink water, water, water!  

Another common reason is repetitive movement/positioning. So, say you sit at a computer desk all day for your job. If you sit on a normal desk chair your hamstrings and calf muscles of the back of the legs are in a shortened state. When we repeat a movement (sitting is a movement!) for hours and hours, day after day, decade after decade your very savvy body says, “Oh we do this sitting movement all the time, let’s make it easier for us and just keep these muscles short. Why put effort into keeping them long when we are in this position most of the time…?” In this example the body can actually take muscle length away from the hamstrings and calf muscles; meaning, they will physically lose length (sarcomeres) they once had. Then when you take your body for a walk using those shortened muscle(s) of the legs (hamstrings/calves) things get wonky. Other muscles get used to compensate and the legs and body as a whole cannot perform as they should. Pain can occur. Shortened muscles such as this can feel tight, to you and to me the practitioner. The good news is that in most cases you can train your body to regain the proper sarcomeres/muscle length back with stretching, changing the movement patterns your body uses and getting regular bodywork. Doing all three of these has the most potential for improving your condition.

…And there are other reasons muscles can be tight. I will write about those in the future.

How can Hot Stone Massage Relieve Muscle Tension?

Hot stones are hot! Well, let’s say they are hot but cool enough to be placed on the skin. I use basalt stones that hold heat well. Everyone has a preference to the amount of heat they like but usually the hot stones are just hot enough for the muscles to say “ahhhhhh ohhhh…” in a good way! For many people this warmth is deeply relaxing to the nervous system, the fascia surrounding the muscle and also the muscles themselves. A physical sensation of the tissue softening can be felt by the client but also by me as the practitioner as well. 

As a massage therapist, I also use hot stones as a way to prepare and warm up the body for a deeper Swedish massage because the heat allows the muscle tension to substantially soften or “melt”  away, allowing for easier access to those deeper layers. Heat from stones can feel amazing to people with arthritis and joint pain as it increases blood flow around the joints easing movement and decreasing pain.

What to expect with a Hot Stone Massage

You can expect to get warm. We are applying heat. If you’ve never had hot stone therapy before, think about how you react to heat. Do you like being warmed by a sauna, hot tub, or hot shower? I have clients who love this treatment and get hot stones with their massage every time, even during the summer! Mostly though, I recommend hot stone therapy for cooler months, or when you really want to be relaxed, warmed up and in need of grounding. Stone is the Earth Element and thus has a deep grounding effect on the body. You can even experiment with this and put a couple of stones in your pocket for the day, carry them around and see if you can feel more connected and grounded, more solid in your being. Heat can be super relaxing so you can expect to feel like a jellyfish afterwards-this is how one client described her treatment. 

However, some folks have an adverse reaction to heat and/or do not like being warmed up. If this is you then this type of treatment would not be the best for you and will look at a different way to address what your body is needing. Also, there are contraindications to applying heat to the body such as neuropathy, diabetes, high blood pressure, skin conditions and others. We will discuss this when we meet to decide if it’s the right treatment for you.

Book a Hot Stone Massage Now

If you’re interested in experiencing hot stone therapy you can book here at Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork. Remember that getting regular bodywork can decrease stress, tension, warm you up and help during those times you feel a little ungrounded. I believe the real healer is in You! My office is located in downtown Aurora, Oregon, just a ten minute drive from Canby.