Therapeutic Massage near Wilsonville, Oregon

Yarrow and You

Therapeutic Massage near Wilsonville, Oregon

Welcome to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork

Welcome to Yarrow and You Therapeutic Bodywork blog! My name is Heather Alison Cook, Licensed Massage Therapist and I specialize in Therapeutic Massage, Cupping Therapy, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Hot Stone Therapy, and Myofascial/Structural Bodywork. My office is located just 15 minutes south of Wilsonville in beautiful Aurora, Oregon. I believe the real healer is in You! If you are challenged with an injury, illness or chronic pain, and want to understand how the body holds the keys to our well-being then this blog is for you!

What is Therapeutic Massage?

Also referred to as clinical or medical massage, therapeutic massage addresses a particular injury, illness, diagnosis or chronic pain pattern that is presenting itself. In a therapeutic massage session, we often set a goal to improve the situation. Instead of just focusing on general relaxation during the session, the therapist manipulates the soft tissues of muscle, fascia, tendons, ligaments, organs and other connective tissues to induce change and realignment.  I differentiate this type of bodywork from a relaxation massage because while a therapeutic massage can certainly be relaxing as tight spots and pain subside, we are addressing a certain issue and you will be more alert and involved during the treatment. I may call for movement or ask how a particular body part feels. Having your brain and body in communication during your session can actually change patterns your body is used to being in. 

It is often recommended by a health care provider

Relaxation massage is wonderful and I will talk about its benefits in another blog post but for now let’s understand more about therapeutic massage and its benefits. It is often recommended by a health care provider such as a medical doctor, chiropractor or physical therapist. Therapeutic massage can address scar tissue that might be binding things together, it can provide pain relief from headaches, TMJ syndrome, fibromyalgia or chronic back or neck pain. Therapeutic massage is not limited to these conditions and can treat a plethora of other musculoskeletal issues. Sports injuries and accidents such as auto accidents if left untreated can result in pain and dysfunction years after, so making sure you see a healthcare practitioner as soon as possible if an accident occurs even if you feel “ok”. This along with therapeutic massage can help you make a better and quicker recovery.

I am honored to be part of my clients’ healing journeys

I have been practicing massage therapy and bodywork for over 10 years and have taken a broad range of classes on how to approach bodywork to decrease pain and dysfunction in the body. I am honored to be part of my clients’ healing journeys as we work together to ease tension, reduce stress and improve overall well-being. And it is also important to note that receiving regular therapeutic massage is like getting regular car maintenance on your vehicle, it helps keep joints lubricated, improves blood circulation in tissues, stimulates the lymphatic system, helps regulate and decompress the nervous system, it can even help with anxiety and depression. 

Just a 15 minute drive from Wilsonville, my office is located inside the Happy and Healthy Life Clinic on Hwy 99E in Historic Downtown Aurora, Oregon. Book now to start improving your well-being! I would be honored to join you on your healing path, the road to recovery, or help log your health maintenance record!